Friday, April 25, 2008

Fring VOIP for iPod Touch & iPhone

Earlier this month (April 15, 2008), Fring released a voice over IP or "VOIP" program, that allows you to call people free of charge (via the iPhone's WIFI connection)!
In addition to making calls, you can also use instant messaging clients such as AIM, Yahoo, MSN, ICQ, Skype, and several others.
This release of Fring is not a final build, but is certainly shaping up to be one of the iPhone's most useful applications.
Be sure to watch the following video released by the creators of Fring, outlining it's basic functions.
Apple iPhone

iPhone SDK Beta 4 is Out Now

Some iPhone News, Everybody is waiting for the next thing for they're iPhone, The latest iPhone SDK is now available, unlike last time, it actually comes with a excellent new feature: OpenGL ES support! Now the iPhone simulator can render OpenGL ES that "mirror behavior on the iPhone and iPod Touch." The ES in OpenGL ES stands for embedded systems, and is the official graphics API in both Symbian and Android as well. As a side note, Open GL ES 2.0 is also supported by the PS3 as "an official graphics API" according to Wikipedia.

iPhone OS